Reflecting on 2015 and Springing into 2016!

Happy New Year!

The beginning of a new year lends itself beautifully to goal setting and resolutions. At Pure Water for the World, we enter this new year filled with deep appreciation for an incredible 2015 and with excitement and anticipation  for what is to come this year!

Before we launch forward, let us first take a look back at the amazing work YOU made happen in 2015:

  • 10,451 lives are changed forever, having received to access to life’s most basic necessities.
  • 1,702 families across Haiti and Honduras received essential hygiene training and now have safe water filters in their homes.
  • 451 families in Honduras now have proper latrines and are benefitting from a safer environment, improved health and personal dignity.
  • 21 schools received safe water filters, handwashing stations and gender-specific latrines, providing 643 students with access to clean water and safe and healthy hygiene at school.
  • 126 organizations (including NGOs and government agencies like OXFAM, Swiss Red Cross, Plan International, DINEPA) participated in 12 WASH (WAter, Sanitation and Hygiene) workshops/seminars, gaining the skills to bring safe water programs and hygiene practices back to their respective communities.
  • 461 Community Agents have been trained and are supporting families in their respective communities with the correct and consistent use of clean water and sanitation tools and hygiene practices.
  • 15 staff members received certifications from CAWST after participating in extended WASH education courses, expanding upon PWW’s program offerings.

In 2016, we will continue working toward our vision of safe water and sanitation for all, with goals that include:

  • Reaching more communities, families and schools in Haiti and Central America with comprehensive safe water, hygiene and sanitation solutions;
  • Expanding WASH training and consulting services and offerings. Reach more organizations, schools/teachers, and government agencies across more regions with WASH educational programs to accelerate access to safe water and hygiene across wider populations;
  • Incorporating new implementation offerings, to communities served, that are in alignment with our mission and vision (i.e. implementation of community water systems and community water filters; implementation of sanitation programs in Haiti; training of local water boards);
  • Launching carbon credit program in Haiti and expand existing program in Central America;
  • Developing relationships with partners and sponsors globally to expand our reach and penetration in regions served.

As you are here, check out our recently updated website. It now includes a detailed section about how YOU can become more involved. Take some time to peruse the new site and let us know what you think.

Follow and interact with us on your favorite social media platform…Facebook, Twitter, and, now, Instagram. Learn about project updates, stories from the field, and important water news. Join in on the conversations and continue shining the light on the need for safe water, hygiene and sanitation for all.

YOU are doing the extraordinary by providing children and their families with the foundation to experience life with improved health, hope and opportunity.

As invaluable members of our team, we have an open door and welcome your thoughts, suggestions and ideas. Contact us anytime!

Thank you so much for your continued passion, dedication and commitment.  We look forward doing even more great work together this year!

Wishing you and your loved ones a bountiful, healthy, joyful 2016.

Warm regards,

Carolyn Crowley Meub

Executive Director